Children’s Ear lobe Piercing 7+
Booking Form for Children’s Ear Lobe Piercing
I work with children from the age of 7, primarily as a needle piercer, using implant grade titanium jewellery (the safest piercing metal), that are of various lengths. At times I may use a traditional ear lobe piercing instrument, where this method might be preferred, but only when the ears are quite small, as these earrings have fixed length posts, so are often unsuitable for ears of average thickness. I use a measuring instrument to determine the correct post length for each person. Each child also receives a bravery sticker and a lolly!
Ears are pierced safely, hygienically and efficiently. I also offer ongoing post-appointment advice and support, via the designated TEXTING line, for any questions, or concerns.
Needle Piercing for lobes (children/adults)
All the below prices include plain, flat back labret earrings, that are polished, silver-coloured, implant grade titanium. There will be some choice of coloured gemstones if you wish to upgrade to something more sparkly. There is also a detailed aftercare sheet and ongoing post-appointment TEXTING advice, if needed. You will need to purchase some sterile, piercing aftercare spray.
- Ear lobe piercing single lobe – £25
- Ear lobe piercing two piercings on the lobe – £40
- Double set of lobe piercings, for siblings, in a single shared appt. – £75
- Double set of lobe piercings, for one person (2 piercings in each ear) – £65
Needle Piercing for Ear Cartilage and Nose 13+
Booking Form for Adult/Teen Piercing (Lobe, Cartilage, Nose)
All the below prices include plain, flat back labret jewellery, that are polished, silver-coloured, implant grade titanium. There will be some choice of coloured gemstones, or more elaborate attachments if you wish to upgrade to something a bit more sparkly. There is also a detailed aftercare sheet and ongoing post-appointment TEXTING advice, if needed. You will need to purchase some sterile, piercing aftercare spray.
- Nose piercing – standard nostril piercing – £30
- Cartilage piercing on the ear – Helix, Flat, Tragus, Conch – £30

Optional Purchases:
- Uprade to a titanium gemstone labret from £6
- Extra wide medical tape for PE, or Sport – £4
- Sterile water-based lubricant – £4
- Extra pairs of earrings – from £5
- Healing saline spray – from £10
- Please ask about pricing for multiple ear piercings.
- Gift vouchers available
E Churchill
Kirsty Dobson
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Fiona Dwyer
Helen Callaghan
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Yulia Veresh
Polly Charlton
Sarah Appleton
Julie Mitchell
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Chantelle Bleasdale
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