Dealing with anxiety

The majority of my clients, regardless of age, experience little to no discomfort with my piercing service. You are likely to feel a quick pinch and then the area feels a bit warm. However, each person has a different threshold of pain and if someone is anxious, then discomfort, or physical pain can be felt more. Occasionally I work with a child, or young person who has been elsewhere, but has then been too scared to go ahead with the piercing, or to have the 2nd ear pierced and I am pleased to say I have had success in these cases.

I have a few suggestions for dealing with nerves and discomfort:

It’s an advantage that I work in a beautiful, fully-equipped, home piercing studio, which is a very private, relaxed and comfortable space, with no spectators, other than supportive family. I always take time to connect and chat with each person, to put them at their ease, then I carry out the piercing as quickly and as smoothly as possible. I use ice to chill the ears and reduce sensation and then nerves are kept at bay with breathing techniques. I find this method is sufficient for most clients and by the time I have done the 2nd ear (usually within a minute), the first ear is feeling settled and there are smiles all round!

For my young clients, who might feel better using some form of pain relief, or anaesthetic, I can recommend applying Emla cream about an hour before the appointment. You can purchase this for about £5, over the counter at most pharmacies. This helps to stop pain on the upper layers of the skin; however there may still be the feelings of pressure and touch. It will not numb the area completely, but it numbs the surface, so that anxiety and the sensation of the piercing is mostly removed.

A cheaper and drug-free option is to use ice for a short while before the piercing. I will also do this during the appointment and you can also freeze some water in a small plastic container; this will last you through your journey to see me and will have the same effect. Wrap it in a dish cloth to absorb the wet and hold it against the ear.

Read before use:

If you have any questions, or need to talk through any concerns, please do get in touch (texting is always quickest!) and I will be happy to chat to you.